Review: Opening of Praxismodule (February 8, 2018)
Doing a research phase in close cooperation with partners from practice during your doctoral studies gives you the opportunity to improve your network and to make your project more relevant to the world outside academia instead of disappearing in some drawer. Furthermore, when working with a professional partner, you can gather experience and gain insight into possible future professional fields. Thereby, you might confirm or revise your career goals.
During a highly interesting round table in course of the festive opening of Praxismodule on February 8, the seven PhD students, who work practically with a partner (e.g. professional association, ministry, enterprises, non-university research institutions), described their hopes and expectations of Praxismodule. “Without Praxismodule my dissertation would turn out much different,” one of the participants said. Another added “I hope and in fact I fear that what I am doing and how I am conducting my research will change due to the Praxismodule. Simply because I now have six months for my research instead of only a few weeks. Now, I can also have informal conversions and take part in related events.”
The festive opening started with a short welcoming speech by Christina Qaim (business contacts and knowledge transfer). Caroline Heck and Jasmin Düwell (SüdniedersachsenInnovationsCampus SNIC) gave a presentation on their projects PraxisForscher and PraxisArbeit before Bettina Roß (GGG) explained the background of Praxismodule and the accompanying program.
Praxismodule funded by VolkswagenStiftung are very special to GGG, as they help to strengthen the current efforts to support PhD students striving for a career entry outside academia (with e.g. courses on professional skills). In addition this tool contributes effectively to knowledge transfer and future alumni work, both university wide topics.
Everyone agreed that Praxismodule will open up new perspectives and cooperation opportunities in the long run. Thus, one of the participants emphasized that his practice-oriented research will help his institute to establish a cooperation, thereby enabling other (PhD) students to do internships and to “realize that after graduating from the Social Sciences you can get exciting jobs.” For one of the partners from practice the opening of Praxismodule was absolutely worth a visit: In many projects he saw new impulses for and relations to his own work and possibilities for future cooperation, he pointed out.
Last but not least we as GGG see the starting point to establish longer cooperation with institutions at our university initiating and supporting practice related research. Thereby, we will strengthen our qualification program concerning aspects of non-academic careers, improve our alumni work, and enhance the contact between those PhD students striving for a career outside academia. The participants of Praxismodule will form a new PhD forum for exchanging perspectives and ideas. All PhD students interested in an exchange between science and professional practice are invited to join the events organized by the new forum.