Interdisciplinary Week of Methods 2018 (23.07.-26.07.2018)
As of now, registration for this year’s GGG Week of Methods has started. You can register until June 17, 2018. The Week of Methods will open with the keynote by Prof. Dr. Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Hannover, Philosophy; Zurich, Economics): “The Human Sciences between Quantification, Hermeneutics, and the Use of Models”. Afterwards you can choose from the following four workshops:
- Workshop 1: The Epistemology and Methodologies of Comparative Constitutional Law (Prof. Dr. Ran Hirschl, Göttingen, Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Comparative Constitutionalism)
- Workshop 2: Mixed Methods: Methodologie und Forschungsdesigns (Dr. Andrea Hense, SOFI Göttingen)
- Workshop 3: Introduction to Multilevel Analysis (Dr. Carl Berning, Mainz)
- Workshop 4: Reflexive Grounded Theory – Einführung und Forschungswerkstatt (Prof. Dr. Franz Breuer, Münster)
At registration, please indicate your first and second preference for a workshop. You can find all the details on registration, program and certificate requirements at: