Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Workshop „Lehre inklusiv gedacht – inklusiv gestaltet“

Lehre inklusiv gedacht – inklusiv gestaltet: Sprechstunde, Lehrmaterialien, Moderationstechniken, Prüfungen

(Teaching – thought and designed inclusively: Consultation hours, teaching materials, moderation skills, examinations)

New date: September 13, 2019, registration until August 30, 2019

A cooperation of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit with the Division of Teaching in Learning in Higher Education, in course of Göttingen Campus QPLUS .

Due to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2009 and consequent recommendations of the German Rectors‘ Conference, universities are bound to design teaching in an inclusive way. This workshop is intended to help with thinking and acting in an inclusive way. Therefore, we want to analyse the role of teachers and students and the consequences of disabilities with regard to learning and examination situations. Subsequently we want to deal with specific measures, e.g. with barrier-free teaching materials and vital service offers at the university, and specific frame conditions for consultation hours, seminars and examinations (e.g. on the right to compensation of disadvantages and how to implement it).

Further information and registration (in German).