Our courses in the third quarter of 2020
The qualification program of GGG includes a course about self- and social competences, competencies needed for your PhD project and professional skills. Apart from the Week of Methods we offer you a workshop on good scientific practice focussing on writing and a workshop on presenting and rhetoric (both in German). As of now, registration has started at: ggg.kursanmeldung@uni-goettingen.de.
- Week of Methods (for further information see below or klick link)
- Fairschreiben – Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Online-Workshop, GSGG/GGG), June 25, 2020 (Dr. Sabine Heerwart und David Kreitz), for registration see link
- Rhetorik: Vorträge lebhaft gestalten und andere durch ein selbstbewusstes Auftreten für sich gewinnen, September 17-18, 2020 (Tomma Hangen)
For detailed information on our courses and other PhD student courses offered by cooperating institutions please visit: www.qualiportal-promovierende.uni-goettingen.de.
And this is how it works:
The GGG divides the course year into four quarters. You can sign up for courses of a quarter six weeks before the quarter starts. 12 to 16 PhD students can participate in a particular course. Places are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Four weeks before the course starts, the application is considered binding. You can find detailed information on individual courses and the application procedure at: www.qualiportal-promovierende.uni-goettingen.de.
Please send your application exclusively to ggg.kursanmeldung@uni-goettingen.de. Please consider the applicable registration procedure.