Qualifizierung / qualification
The Göttingen eResearch Alliance announces the next event of the eResearch Lab: Working with GRO.data – the research data repository for the Göttingen Campus. This 1.5h workshop will be addressing data upload, metadata scheme, changing data in the repository, and publishing data. Of course, there will be time for questions as well. … Weiterlesen
In this short workshop you have the opportunity to find out about strategies and pitfalls in science communication. You will learn how to communicate your research to different audiences and what makes a good story (yes, science and research contain exciting stories…). Furthermore, you will learn how journalists and the press operate. … Weiterlesen
Im Workshop erarbeiten und erproben Sie eine individuelle und überzeugende Kommunikationsstrategie, um ihren Berufseinstieg mit Promotion zum Erfolg zu machen: … Weiterlesen
Successful researchers need not only compelling data and ideas but also skills to communicate their research most effectively through writing in English. Yet, many academics are unsure about how they can best express themselves, what criteria a well-written English paper needs to fulfill, and how the writing and publication process can be managed most productively. … Weiterlesen
The course “Bringing Data to the Point” provides a foundation in data visualisation and introduces visualization forms, various tools and basic design rules that help to graphically present information and findings in an approachable way. The course is available as an ILIAS learning module on StudIP and at the OpenILIAS-platform for non-members of the university. … Weiterlesen
In addition to the Graduate Schools other departments are offering courses as well, which are open to PhD students: … Weiterlesen
Aktuelles / current news
Durch die gestiegenen Publikationsmöglichkeiten wird es für die Autor*innen zunehmend schwierig, den Überblick zu behalten. Eine große Rolle spielt u. a. auch die Frage der Finanzierung, die nicht immer einfach zu beantworten ist. Inzwischen sind bereits im Vorfeld einer Veröffentlichung Kenntnisse über die verschiedensten Publikationswege für die Forschenden notwendig, um den für sie besten auszuwählen. Die SUB informiert regelmäßig in online-Veranstaltungen über Publikationsmöglichkeiten und Teilnehmende haben die Möglichkeit, … Weiterlesen
Open Science aims at opening up research processes and granting access to research outputs to researchers, professionals and amateur scientists. Open Science covers several aspects: open access to publications, data and code, sharing of methodologies, open peer review, and open educational resources. … Weiterlesen
During their winter school (Feb 15-19, 2021) the University of Ljubljana offers method workshops that might be interesting for you. The winter school will be taking place online. Please note, that these workshops will not be for free. Registration is due on Feb 1, 2021. … Weiterlesen