Our upcoming courses

The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
In order to provide a better overview of the various options for training and qualification for you as doctoral candidates at Goettingen campus, the qualification portal for PhD students has been supplemented by courses of other providers at Goettingen Campus. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences provides support measures and scholarships for PhD students of social sciences. At the moment GGG offers new support for your qualification and networking activities. … Weiterlesen
Recently, the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) has launched a new low-threshold support of self-designed courses and networks. … Weiterlesen
We are looking forward to the seventh round of the mentoring program „WeWiMento“. The mentoring program „WeWiMento – Wege ins Wissenschaftsmanagement“ („paths into science management“) has places available for PhD students and postdocs who are fluent in German. … Weiterlesen
PhD students from abroad need to take into account a wide range of information. GGG compiled an overview website for different stages and topics that international doctoral candidates face during their doctoral studies in gerneral and with their arrival in Göttingen in particular. … Weiterlesen
The statute of GGG has been revised in January. It basically consists of the following two changes: … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen interdisciplinary Graduate Schools would like to celebrate the closing of the sixth round and the opening of the seventh round of WeWiMento together. Therefore, we invite all mentees, mentors, alumni and the interested public to join us at the Historical Observatory on May 3rd, 2023, from 3:00 to 6:000 pm. … Weiterlesen
At the moment we are planning the next interdisciplinary Week of Methods from September 11th – 14th, 2023 in presence. … Weiterlesen
The program of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of „Good Research Practice“ for doctoral students. With six modules, it constitutes a mixed form of illustratively prepared information, optional links to deepen the understanding of individual terms, and test questions. … Weiterlesen
The website offers information on childcare, legal regulations on maternity protection, parental leave and information on financial support during the doctoral and postdoctoral phase. … Weiterlesen
Are you a PhD student at the University of Göttingen? Can you present the core message of your doctoral thesis in just three minutes? … Weiterlesen
Kooperation der Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit und Diversität mit der Hochschuldidaktik im Rahmen des Projekts „LInK“ (Teilnahme kostenfrei) … Weiterlesen
Der Deutsche Studienpreis zeichnet jährlich die besten deutschen Promovierten aller Fachrichtungen aus. … Weiterlesen
The program “Young Entrepreneurs in Science” (YES) and the Falling Walls Foundation are offering the workshops „Future Thinking“ and „Your Research Canvas“ in cooperation with the department of Research and Transfer in the winter term 23/24. … Weiterlesen
We have announced the ENLIGHT Open Science Award 2023: … Weiterlesen
Liebe Mitglieder der GEW Hamburg und Niedersachsen sowie Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein und weitere Interessierte,
mit 2023 bieten wir unsere begehrte Schreibwerkstatt zur Expose-Erstellung für die Promotion wieder als volles Präsenzseminar vom 4. bis zum 5. März im Gustav-Stresemann-Bildungszentrum (GSI) in Bad Bevensen an. … Weiterlesen
Im März finden an der Universität Göttingen die Studieninformationstage statt, in deren Rahmen am 14.03. um 14:00 Uhr auch ein Science Slam stattfinden soll. … Weiterlesen
In den kommenden Jahren werden an den Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) eine ganze Reihe von Professuren ausgeschrieben. Vielen Akademikerinnen ist der Karriereweg einer Hochschulprofessur noch wenig bekannt.
Professorinnen der HAWK informieren Sie über das vielfältige Berufsbild, die Rahmenbedingungen und Voraussetzungen für eine Berufung als HAW-Professorin und laden Sie zum Austausch ein. … Weiterlesen
On February 1, 2023, the first funding round of the programme „Career advancement of female scientists“ was announced. … Weiterlesen
Beginnen Sie zwischen dem 01. Juli und Ende 2023 einen studienrelevanten Auslandsaufenthalt (nicht im Rahmen von ERASMUS+)? Dann haben Sie die Möglichkeit sich bis zum 31. März 2023 um ein PROMOS Stipendium zu bewerben. … Weiterlesen
ENLIGHT is organizing a blended summer school which will take place in the University of Galway in May 2023 on ‘Equity and Sustainable Transitions’ which has been created in the Equity core group and is open to MA and Doctoral students across the ENLIGHT network. … Weiterlesen
If you have any ideas or wishes concerning our services, please let us know. … Weiterlesen
This newsletter is published four times a year. It is available for PhD students and supervisors of social sciences, and all interested persons. The newsletter can be found online. The next newsletter will be published on May 05, 2023. … Weiterlesen
First of all, we would like to welcome you! As Graduate School of Social Sciences, we will use our best endeavor to be a supportive companion during your PhD. Here we provide information for PhD students who have just started doing their PhD or joined GGG only recently. This section is mainly intended for newcomers but holds useful information for experienced PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen
If you like to know more about our qualification program and support measures or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. … Weiterlesen