Our Upcoming Courses

The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
Workshop für Promovierende und Postdocs
Möchtest Du nach Deiner Promotion wissenschafts- und hochschulnah arbeiten, dabei aber keine klassische wissenschaftliche Karriere einschlagen? Dann könnte das Wissenschaftsmanagement das Passende für Dich sein! Unser interaktiver Workshop bietet Dir die perfekte Gelegenheit, das Berufsfeld zu erkunden und herauszufinden, ob es Deinen Vorstellungen und Fähigkeiten entspricht. Entdecke gemeinsam mit den erfahrenen Expertinnen Dr. … Weiterlesen
In order to provide a better overview of the various options for training and qualification for you as doctoral candidates at Göttingen campus, the qualification portal for PhD students has been supplemented by courses of other providers at Göttingen Campus. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences provides support measures and scholarships for PhD students of social sciences. At the moment GGG offers new support for your qualification and networking activities. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) has launched a low-threshold support of self-designed courses and networks. Since you have the best overview of what will advance you in terms of content, you can expand your knowledge in the GGG in a self-organized way: Design your own course or peer-group network according to your needs and those of your fellow PhD students. … Weiterlesen
PhD students from abroad need to take into account a wide range of information. GGG compiled an overview website for different stages and topics that international doctoral candidates face during their doctoral studies in general and with their arrival in Göttingen in particular.
In service for PhD supervisors of doctoral students from non-EU-countries the GGG presents a short information sheet including e.g. … Weiterlesen
The next interdisciplinary Week of Methods will take place in presence at the Historical Observatory and the adjacent Conference Centre by the Observatory September 09th – 12th, 2024. … Weiterlesen
Science management has become an attractive and manifold occupational field for PhD graduates. In order to illustrate the wide range of tasks and professions as well as prerequisites for an entry in this occupational field to PhDs and PostDocs, the Göttingen Interdisciplinary Graduate Schools provide different insights into science management in 2024. … Weiterlesen
This article deals with a problem that has gained considerable importance in recent years and must now be classified as a real threat, especially for early career researchers: predatory publishing. Whereas in the past, this was considered a marginal phenomenon of minor significance, more recently there have been developments that pose a real threat to scientific reputation if one falls into the clutches of such publishers. … Weiterlesen
On 8 November 2023, the Presidential Board adopted the „Guidelines for the standardised declaration of affiliation in research publications“ (Affiliation Policy) after receiving an opinion from the Senate. With this guideline, the University is responding to the fact that publications continue to play a central role in the evaluation of academic performance, especially in international rankings. … Weiterlesen
Die Onlineerhebung CareStu? – Befragung zum Studium mit Pflege-/Sorgeverantwortung ist abgeschlossen und wird ausgewertet. Ergänzend werden aktuell die Einzelinterviews mit Studierenden geführt, die erwachsene Angehörige pflegen, unterstützen oder für sie Pflege/Unterstützung organisieren. … Weiterlesen
Bei dieser Veranstaltung bekommen Entscheidungshilfen für die weitere Gestaltung Ihres Karriereweges – ob innerhalb oder außerhalb des Wissenschaftssystems – an die Hand. Sie erhalten einen ersten Überblick über den Ablauf einer Promotion und die Anforderungskriterien. … Weiterlesen
Göttingen Research Online Publication (GRO) offers an additional workshop in Englisch: Friday, 16.2.2024, 10-11:30 am
More information and registration: https://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/lernen-lehren/kurse-fuehrungen/schulung/gropublications-das-publikationsdatenmanagement-der-universitaet-goettingen-1/s/Schulung/show/ … Weiterlesen
Am 22. Februar 2024 findet nun bereits zum vierten Mal die Kurswechsel online – Career Conference for Female Early Career Researchers statt. … Weiterlesen
On January 15th 2024, the fourth call within the programme „Career promotion of female scientists“ as part of the Dorothea Schlözer Programme will start. The programme addresses individual requirements of young female scientists. It supports projects or activities that significantly improve the chances of reaching the next career stage. … Weiterlesen
What is the Personalrat (staff council)?
The Personalrat is a body of elected staff in a public service department (such as an University) whose members are elected by all staff. It is the equivalent of a Betriebsrat (“works council”) in a company. The Personalrat represents the interests of staff with regard to the employer (the University). … Weiterlesen
Die Schleyer-Stiftung möchte vor allem junge Menschen anregen, sich mit dem aktuellen Preisthema
„Europa im 21. Jahrhundert – Beginn einer neuen Ära?“ auseinanderzusetzen und sie ermuntern, ihre Ideen und Ergebnisse ihrer wissenschaftlichen bzw. journalistischen Arbeiten hierzu einzureichen. … Weiterlesen
Presenting your own research in an entertaining way for 10 minutes – this is a science slam targeted primarily at a non-scientific and non-specialist audience. This format has been held in Göttingen for many years. If you would like to try out being a slammer, this is your chance: … Weiterlesen
Do you wonder what the world will look like in ten or fifteen years? How do you and your research fit into future scenarios? In this workshop, you will learn techniques to venture a glimpse into the unknown as well as to learn about trend analysis to find future visions and innovation potential. … Weiterlesen
In den kommenden Jahren wird an den Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) eine ganze Reihe von Professuren ausgeschrieben. Vielen Akademikerinnen ist der Karriereweg einer Hochschulprofessur noch wenig bekannt.
Professorinnen der HAWK informieren Sie über das vielfältige Berufsbild, die Rahmenbedingungen und Voraussetzungen für eine Berufung als Professorin und laden Sie zum Austausch ein.
Zielgruppe: Postdoktorandinnen, Doktorandinnen, Berufspraktikerinnen, … Weiterlesen
The university offers positions for female postdocs (TV-L 13, 100%, term of 2 years) again. Those eligible to apply are female postdocs from the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economic Sciences as well as from the University Medical Center. … Weiterlesen
Have you ever thought about the application potential of your own research? If not, this workshop is for you. You will reflect about user groups and the network of stakeholders that surround you and your research. Why could they benefit from your research? Brainstorm potential use cases and help each other to take your ideas to the next level. … Weiterlesen
Am 18. April 2024 findet der 13. niedersächsische Doktorand*innentag Gender Studies statt, welchen die LAGEN gemeinsam mit dem Forschungszentrum Musik und Gender (HMTMH), dem Gender Netz (Hochschule Hannover) und dem Kompetenzzentrum für geschlechtersensible Medizin (MHH) in der Landeshauptstadt ausrichtet. … Weiterlesen
If you have any ideas or wishes concerning our services, please let us know. … Weiterlesen
This newsletter is published four times a year. It is available for PhD students and supervisors of social sciences, and all interested persons. The newsletter can be found online. The next newsletter will be published on May 07, 2024 at a new webadress, which will be published in time. … Weiterlesen
First of all, we would like to welcome you! As Graduate School of Social Sciences, we will use our best endeavor to be a supportive companion during your PhD. Here we provide information for PhD students who have just started doing their PhD or joined GGG only recently. This section is mainly intended for newcomers but holds useful information for experienced PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen
If you like to know more about our qualification program, support measures, and consulting offers, or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. … Weiterlesen