Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Courses on teaching methods in higher education for PhD students, new teachers and new supervisors

Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the following courses (in German) offered by the Division for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, which address especially PhD students:

First teaching

Date Topic Lecturer
Sep 21, 2018 Teaching & Learning in HE: Getting Started [short format] Angelika Thielsch
Nov 26, 2018 Sicher auftreten und kommunizieren in der Lehre Dr. Imme Schönfeld


Termin Kurs Referent*in
Nov 29 + 30, 2018 Lehrproben und Kurzvorträge gestalten Prof. Dr. Jörg Wendorff
Nov 30, 2018 Promotionen gut betreuen – Werkzeuge der Promotionsbetreuung Dr. Nadine Chmura, Dr. Kai Sicks


Further information and registration can be found at: www.uni-goettingen.de/de/539671.html and www.uni-goettingen.de/hochschuldidaktik.