Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Changes in the GGG team II

Judith Wassiltschenko:

As of September 30, I will also leave the GGG. From December 2018, I was part-time responsible for the funding guidance and the helpdesk for International PhD students as a parental leave replacement for Kristin Gehr. In addition, I operated the Facebook account of the GGG. I will remember the extremely varied counseling sessions and especially the cases in which I was able to help someone get a suitable grant or solve a tricky problem. I can only encourage all doctoral students, or those who want to become doctoral students, to deal with their PhD funding and the life organization around it at an early stage and to seek advice (also prophylactically). In a personal conversation with your graduate school, you may get one or two useful tips that you otherwise would have missed. I also enjoyed working together with colleagues from other departments and the other graduate schools when it came to expanding and improving the offerings for doctoral students. I will also stay with the University of Göttingen: I have another part-time position as coordinator of an international graduate program, which will be my priority in the near future.