Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Extended overview of qualification measures for PhD students

In order to provide a better overview of the various options for training and qualification for you as doctoral candidates at Goettingen campus, the qualification portal for PhD students has been supplemented by courses of other providers at Goettingen Campus.

As usual, courses of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) and the Graduate School for Humanities (GSGG) can be found on the qualification portal. You as GGG member can attend all these courses – GGG courses with precedence and GSGG courses via waiting list succession.

From now on, additional offers are presented, e.g. courses provided by eResearch Alliance, human resources department and others: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/661885.html

This overview is under construction right now. We intend to expand information according to demand by you as PhD student. Therefor, we very much appreciate notifications about further offers and other recommendations. Please address any hints, links or relevant contact information to Bettina Roß (ggg@uni-goettingen.de). Take a look now and than at this continually improved overview at Goettingen Campus.