Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Neue ENLIGHT-Kurse / New ENLIGHT Courses

Please find some important updates below regarding our ENLIGHT course offering for summer/autumn 2023.

SUMMER COURSES: The successful summer course Innovation Game: Health is now joined by its sister-course Innovation Game: Climate. We would be grateful if you could spread information about these courses in your channels.

AUTUMN COURSES: Six new ENLIGHT courses from UU have been announced for autumn 2023. These are:

TEACHERS WANTED: UU is still looking for ENLIGHT teacher contributions* to the following courses. (Contributions can be as little as giving one seminar or class online, to more in-depth collaboration).

More information about these courses can be found here:


Björn NYSTRÖM (Mr.), Project Manager
Unit for Global Partnerships
Uppsala University PO Box 256, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting Address: Service Centre, Segerstedt Building, Dag Hammarskölds väg 7
Phone: +46 18 471 2210