Measures of the GGG for safety during the Covid19-Pandemic

The GGG team is working from home mostly. Please contact us best via e-mail: and telephone (see here for contact details). … Weiterlesen
The GGG team is working from home mostly. Please contact us best via e-mail: and telephone (see here for contact details). … Weiterlesen
Daniel Schumann (Faculty of Social Sciences) and Felix Butz (Faculty of Law) were elected new PhD students’ representatives for the GGG. … Weiterlesen
The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills. … Weiterlesen
In addition to the Graduate Schools other departments are offering courses as well, which are open to PhD students … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences provides support measures and scholarships for PhD students of social sciences. At the moment GGG offers new support for your qualification and networking activities as well as some grants with flexible application possibilities. … Weiterlesen
New in GGG „from the bottom up”
In addition to the existing course program, the GGG has recently launched a pilot project to promote self-organized events and networks by doctoral candidates for doctoral candidates.
Since you have the best overview of what will help you advance in terms of content, you can expand your knowledge in the GGG in a self-organized way: Design your own course or peer-group network according to your needs and those of your fellow PhD students. … Weiterlesen
Britta Korkowsky:
Now the time has come: for the next 3 years I will leave the GGG. Since 2014, I have been responsible for various projects here, the last few years primarily for the qualification program. In September, I will move on (within the university) to the new Campus Institute for Dynamics of Biological Networks as coordinator. … Weiterlesen
Judith Wassiltschenko:
As of September 30, I will also leave the GGG. From December 2018, I was part-time responsible for the funding guidance and the helpdesk for International PhD students as a parental leave replacement for Kristin Gehr. In addition, I operated the Facebook account of the GGG. I will remember the extremely varied counseling sessions and especially the cases in which I was able to help someone get a suitable grant or solve a tricky problem. … Weiterlesen
At the GGG we are very happy about the new development opportunities and challenges that await Britta Korkowsky and Judith Wassiltschenko in their positions. We hope that both of you will be able to devote yourselves to the new tasks there in a satisfied, lasting manner and with the creativity that is so precious to you. … Weiterlesen
[in German] next session: International Cooperation
The mentoring program “WeWiMento – Wege ins Wissenschaftsmanagement” and the introductory workshop „Wissenschaftsmanagement – ist das was für mich?” still pause due to the pandemic, because both formats require personal contact and live from inter-communication. Therefore, the Göttingen Graduate Schools have created a new online information service on science management. … Weiterlesen
Dear students, PhD students, PostDocs and employees,
the mission statement of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is „in publica commoda – for the benefit of all“ – and according to this motto, in addition to the goal of excellent research and teaching, the so-called “Third Mission” is increasingly moving into the focus of many universities. … Weiterlesen
The IVAC Summer Festival, which is being organized within the framework of the DAAD-funded project „Changing Perspectives – Global Learning: Intercultural Experiences and Interdisciplinary Diversity“, offers students and teachers from Göttingen and international partner universities a multifaceted programme on the topic of international virtual academic collaborations. … Weiterlesen
Would you like to get involved in the Network Sozialwissenschaften of Alumni Göttingen e.V.? We are looking for committed individuals to build and expand the SoWi Alumni Network. Under the umbrella of the non-profit Alumni Association, the network can launch its initiatives and pass on the experience to today´s students. … Weiterlesen
Die Schreib-Challenge für Promovierende geht ab dem 06.09. in die nächste Runde. Diesmal wird noch mehr Interaktion zwischen den Promovierenden ermöglicht. … Weiterlesen
The international career office at Goettingen University offers an expert talk and an online course about building international careers. … Weiterlesen
Auch in diesem Jahr verleiht die Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V. den ALR-Hochschulpreis.
Hast du eine sehr gute Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit geschrieben? Oder habt ihr gemeinsam ein sehr gutes Studienprojekt abgeschlossen? Oder hast du gerade dein Dissertationsvorhaben beendet? … Weiterlesen
Gerade angefangen mit dem ersten Job und schon mittendrin in der Arbeitswelt.
Du hast vielleicht die erste eigene Wohnung, lebst womöglich weit weg von Familie und Freunden und selbst wenn nicht – es gibt genug neuer Herausforderungen: Sich selbst organisieren, Alltag und Freizeit gestalten, Leute kennenlernen… Für einen Austausch über all das wollen wir nun mit WORK-LIFE-SPIRIT einen Raum schaffen. … Weiterlesen
Stressing out over your paper? Experiencing a writer’s block? Does useful literature seem to be untraceable? Having problems with citations? You don’t know where to start and your reference management program, MS Word, and MS Excel don’t do what they are supposed to? Questions concerning BibTex?
Come along to the virtual coaching on academic writing! It’s open to PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen
This newsletter is published four times a year. It is available for PhD students and supervisors of social sciences, and all interested persons. The newsletter can be found online. The next newsletter will be published on November 09, 2021.
This newsletter shall inform you about the basic issues of doing a PhD and contribute to closer contact between you and the GGG team, … Weiterlesen
If you like to know more about our qualification program, support measures and consulting offers or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. … Weiterlesen
First of all, we would like to welcome you! As Graduate School of Social Sciences, we will use our best endeavor to be a supportive companion during your PhD. Here we provide information for PhD students who have just started doing their PhD or joined GGG only recently. This section is mainly intended for newcomers but holds useful information for experienced PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen