Qualifizierung / qualification
This online-workshop by Dr. Veronica Fuest is designed for international PhD students who are new to the German academic system.
Seminar objectives:
Understanding behavior and interactions helps to navigate academic hierarchies and to prevent losses of energy by misunderstandings and conflicts. … Weiterlesen
One key success factor in scientific working environments is so called “lateral” or “informal” leadership. You will often lead project teams, even without formal disciplinary power. In the context of “Diversity” this becomes even more challenging.
In this workshop by Dr. Anna Kreuzer you will get an overview about basic leadership principles and -tasks. You will gain insights into target-group-specific communication, … Weiterlesen
In addition to the Graduate Schools and the Division for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education other departments are offering courses as well, which are open to PhD students: … Weiterlesen
Successful researchers need not only compelling data and ideas but also skills to communicate their research most effectively through writing in English. Yet, many academics are unsure about how they can best express themselves, what criteria a well-written English paper needs to fulfill, and how the writing and publication process can be managed most productively. … Weiterlesen
This workshop by Jutta Schwarz focuses on an analysis of the individual abilities/core competences of the participants, which could later be building blocks of a professional career. Further aspects are personal interests, values, working conditions (salary etc.) and people we meet in the job. From these, the participants put together a differentiated picture step by step, … Weiterlesen
Leider mussten wir aufgrund der andauernden Situation die beiden Workshops „Schöne Aussichten nach der Promotion: Wege in die Forschung und darüber hinaus“ sowie „Leadership and Diversity“ absagen, die im November geplant waren. Wir bedauern sehr, dass wir Ihnen hier keine online-Alternative bieten können, und danken für Ihr Verständnis. … Weiterlesen