Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Career path professor at a University of Applied Sciences (“Fachhochschule”) on November 21, 2017

Each year, hundreds of professors are hired at universities of applied sciences in Germany. Many academics do not really know about this career path with its professional perspectives and opportunities. However, a professorship at a university of applied sciences can be an attractive career goal with a broad and challenging range of tasks. Several speakers – amongst them, alumni of Göttingen University and current professors from universities of applied sciences – will give detailed presentations on this topic on November 21, 2017, at the Convention Center by the Observatory, 3 to 7 p.m.. Registration with lnhf-geschaeftsstelle@hs-hannover.de (until 13.11.2017, may still be possible shortly after deadline). Please note that this event addresses especially female academics and will be conducted in German.

You can find further information at www.uni-goettingen.de/en/571973.html.