Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Study Day “Anti-Discrimination“ on April 19 and 20, 2018

The study day on “Anti-Discrimination“ is part of the series “‘All Equally Different?‘ Diversity in Theory and Practice“. On the first day, April 19, participants in a round table working in the field of anti-discrimination will give an account of their career and every day work. On the second day, a variety of workshops will be offered, e.g. on hate speech on the internet or anti-discrimination in counseling, and a discussion about experience with non-discriminatory language will be held. The day will conclude with an anti-discrimination-slam.

As part of this event, Sjard Seibert (Student and Academic Services) and Dr. Britta Korkowsky (GGG) will offer a short workshop on ”Nur Leistung zählt? (Un)sichtbare Barrieren beim Übergang vom Studium in die Promotion“ on April 20, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

The complete program will soon be available at www.uni-goettingen.de/diversity-vortragsreihe.