ENLIGHT CONSORTIUM PRIZE (Deadline 01.10.2022)
Call for R&I projects and initiatives around the ENLIGHT flagship areas between early career researchers from different ENLIGHT consortium partners.
In the framework of this call, the ENLIGHT consortium will grant travel/mobility awards and the ENLIGHT R&I Prize Award for the best R&I (envisioned) projects and project proposals jointly conducted by early career researchers from different (minimum 2) ENLIGHT consortium partners.In a first phase, selected project proposals will receive an ENLIGHT R&I Prize Travel Award to help deepen the envisioned plans (new or ongoing) for collaboration. The aim of this seed money is to stimulate and support (new) ENLIGHT RISE R&I collaborations and projects on ENLIGHT flagship challenges between early career researchers from various/different consortium partners.In a second phase, the awarded projects making promising progress towards a consolidated joint R&I collaboration after having received the travel award will automatically be selected as candidates for the annual ENLIGHT R&I Prize.