Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften

„Career promotion of female scientists“- 3rd Call (Deadline 30.10.2023)

On September 15th 2023, the third call within the programme “Career promotion of female scientists“ will start. The programme addresses individual needs of young female scientists. It supports projects or activities that significantly improve the chances of reaching the next career stage. Applications can be made for financial measures as well as time resources to enable female scientists to provide and expand required (additional) performances within the scientific career, e.g., travel for field and archive research, grants for editing, proofreading and transcriptions, financing of childcare during parental leave in order to gain time for further scientific qualification etc.

In this call applications can be submitted from September 15th to October 30th 2023.

Further information at: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/ds-careerpromotion