Our Upcoming Courses

The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
The qualification program of GGG includes courses on self and social competencies, competencies needed for your PhD project, and professional skills.
These are our upcoming workshops: … Weiterlesen
As a consequence of an application in GGG’s funding line „from the bottom up“ we included a new workshop format in our qualification program. In cooperation with GFA, we are offering this course again in 2023: … Weiterlesen
As part of the support measures of GGG „from the bottom up“ this peer-group exchange is presented in cooperation with PhD students … Weiterlesen
In order to provide a better overview of the various options for training and qualification for you as doctoral candidates at Goettingen campus, the qualification portal for PhD students has been supplemented by courses of other providers at Goettingen Campus. … Weiterlesen
We are really looking forward to the next interdisciplinary Week of Methods which will take place at the Historical Observatory and the adjacent Conference Centre by the Observatory from September 11th – 14th, 2023. … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences provides support measures and scholarships for PhD students of social sciences. At the moment GGG offers new support for your qualification and networking activities.
Further up-to-date information can be found on the GGG homepage at: … Weiterlesen
The Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) has launched a low-threshold support of self-designed courses and networks. … Weiterlesen
PhD students from abroad need to take into account a wide range of information. GGG compiled an overview website for different stages and topics that international doctoral candidates face during their doctoral studies in general and with their arrival in Göttingen in particular.
In service for PhD supervisors of doctoral students from non-EU-countries the GGG presents a short information sheet including e.g. … Weiterlesen
The new report about measures, structures and developments of the Goettingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) has been published … Weiterlesen
PhD students and Postdocs of Göttingen Campus are invited to find out more about Science Management as profession. The Graduate Schools present various short events to get in touch with the multifaceted topics of science supporting functions. … Weiterlesen
The program of the Graduate Academy (GRADE) of Goethe University Frankfurt is intended as a general introduction to the topic of „Good Research Practice“ for doctoral students. … Weiterlesen
The overview of courses for core competences at Goettingen University during summer semester 2023 is published (in German) online here: … Weiterlesen
The book „Managing Your Mental Health During Your PhD: A Survival Guide“ goes beyond typical mental health discussions (where the focus for improving mental health is placed on PhD students to become „more resilient“) and explores some of the often unspoken environmental factors that can impact mental health. … Weiterlesen
The Library of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG) is now open to the public without prior request during regular SUB opening hours. You have on-site access to printed literature. Workplaces and a book scanner are available. … Weiterlesen
Von der Integration von Podcasts in die Hochschullehre bis zur neurodiversitätssensiblen Gestaltung der Lehre bietet die Hochschuldidaktik gemeinsam mit ihren Kooperationspartner*innen auch in diesem Wintersemester wieder ein breites Programm, um Lehrende aller Erfahrungsstufen an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen zu unterstützen. … Weiterlesen
Am 7. und 8. Dezember findet zum fünften Mal das DocColloq, eine Konferenz für Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen im deutschsprachigen Raum, statt. … Weiterlesen
Das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) fördert Projekte, die einen Beitrag zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele durch Umsetzung innovativer und umfassender Konzepte des Betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements leisten. … Weiterlesen
How much startup is in your PhD? Take your career into your own hands in the Young Entrepreneurs in Science Workshop! … Weiterlesen
Are you a PhD student conducting interdisciplinary research? Would you like to undertake a year’s internship in one of the best universities in northern Poland? This proposal is for you: … Weiterlesen
The event is targeted towards PhD and master-students with an interest in experimental and behavioral approaches to corruption and reform. … Weiterlesen
Kooperation der Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit und Diversität mit der Hochschuldidaktik im Rahmen des Projekts LInK. … Weiterlesen
You are warmly invited to our information event “Research in Europe” on Thursday 12 October 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the University of Göttingen, ZHG, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5.
Organised by the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) and the University of Göttingen, “Research in Europe” brings together everything early career researchers need to know about individual funding opportunities … Weiterlesen
Wittenberger Herbstakademie Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik | Ethik, Digitalisierung und Bildung
Zum 8. Mal wird das Wittenberg-Zentrum für Globale Ethik e.V. in diesem Jahr die Wittenberger Herbstakademie ausrichten. Die Veranstaltung findet vom 23.-27. Oktober 2023 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg statt. Der Schwerpunkt des fünftägigen Programms liegt auf den ethischen Herausforderungen, die sich aus der Digitalisierung für den Bereich der Bildung und Qualifizierung ergeben. … Weiterlesen
On September 15th 2023, the third call within the programme “Career promotion of female scientists“ will start. The programme addresses individual needs of young female scientists. It supports projects or activities that significantly improve the chances of reaching the next career stage. … Weiterlesen
The Equality Innovation Fund supports projects that aim to improve the study, research and working conditions of female academics and contribute to the further development of a gender-equitable university … Weiterlesen
The ORA partners are launching an eighth ORA call for proposals in order to fund the best joint research projects in the social sciences. … Weiterlesen
The VR Lab of the Department of Business Administration supports the integration of virtual reality topics into research and teaching. … Weiterlesen
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers the following research fellowships for PhD students and Postdocs: … Weiterlesen
Through the Startupkit, you as a university member or alumni/alumnae can acquire specific knowledge around the topics of entrepreneurship and innovation and get inspired by other startups. … Weiterlesen
If you have any ideas or wishes concerning our services, please let us know. … Weiterlesen
This newsletter is published four times a year. It is available for PhD students and supervisors of social sciences, and all interested persons. … Weiterlesen
First of all, we would like to welcome you! As Graduate School of Social Sciences, we will use our best endeavor to be a supportive companion during your PhD. Here we provide information for PhD students who have just started doing their PhD or joined GGG only recently. This section is mainly intended for newcomers but holds useful information for experienced PhD students as well. … Weiterlesen
If you like to know more about our qualification program, support measures, and consulting offers, or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. … Weiterlesen